Big Game Event in Atlanta
Hey y' gaming buddy Steve "Tanktop" Avery asked me to post this here...this is a pretty big gaming event we're putting on in Atlanta so if you can make it, do so. I'm not responsible for the contents of this post, so any guarantees he makes are not guaranteed. Come help us make this something more than yet another gaming event featuring 30-40 middle-aged men sitting around quietly playing THURN AND TAXIS. Won't you please? Of course, he tried to bait Mr. Skeletor and get a jab in at me but he failed to put a date on it- it's the weekend of October 19th.
I would be remiss if I did not post the details of the Mercer Game Extravaganza here on Fortress AT. Why? because there's going to be more ATgames there than you can possibly indulge in playing. and if that weren’t enough – there’s also prizes and chili. Ok, I don't know where the chili fits into this but I *promise* you that if you make it down to the ATL you'll have a good time. In fact, I'll guarantee that if you don't have a good time, then I'll buy the first round of drinks at the Hispanic strip club around the corner.
Some highlights:
We'll be flying in Mr. Skeletor to engage in hand to hand combat with our own Rob Martin. Skeletor has size speed and skill but Rob fights dirty...It should be a good fight.
We'll be hanging a life size piñata of Barnes that will spout real blood when you hit it. It also ridicules lesser board games on any genital hit.
and of course ...we'll be doing shots of tequila every time another piece of clothing is removed during Strip Ca$h n Gun$. Enough skin to make beached whales jealous.
Don't take my word for it for yourself here:
Wish I could be at the madness!
Oh Snap! you actually posted it. How am I going to ridicule you with any conviction if you keep helping out. It totally undermines my whole strategy of pointing out character flaws and denigrading your character.
Great advertising. I suddenly really don't want to go.
Sandi IS trying to figure out a way to make a decent-looking corpse for the murder mystery.
I also will have my Descent set done by the middle of next week. It looks great.
I demand pictures :)
Bit far of a hike for me, and I'm leaving the next week for Iceland.
Iceland?! What the hell. The only other time I've ever heard of anyone going to Iceland (other than when Bjork visits her folks) is when Jaz Coleman and Youth from Killing Joke went there in the mid-80s convinced that the Apocalypse was about to happen. Come on Thaad, Avery was going to wear a SPECIAL tank top just for you...
Yup...I cut out holes for the nipples.
Man - I look Hot!
As I am a big geek, I'm going to a convention of Eve Online people. Spending 3 days in a convention hotel in Reykjavik talking/playing internet-spaceships with people from all over the world. Meeting some friends, enjoying the nice weather of Iceland in Oct/Nov.
Friends here are calling it 'Sausage Con' - as Eve is something like 95% male. I expect to have to put the smack down on some of the boys, as not all of them get out of the basement much...
I might be offended or interested in Steves writing if I could ACTUALLY READ IT!
Who the hell put the text in that color?
That's how Steve is, man...he's all dark and "cool" like that...
Yup...I cut out holes for the nipples.
I'd like to have everyone who participated in this thread expelled from the human race, but since that's beyond my ability, I humbly request that you post your nipple-tank photos there.
And wouldn't "Tobruk: Nipple-Tank Battles in North Africa 1942" be an awesome game?
Fuckin' A juniper, that's another astounding example of "great" discourse on BGG.
Thank God we had Joe Grundy, the CONSCIENCE of BGG and the internet at large, to set us all straight.
*sniffle* Is that a pretty girl?
It's like those movies with the hippie guitarists who act all sensitive for the ladies..."how dare you treat them with disrespect"...only to try and slip them the high hard one IMMEDIATELY after they're alone.
Practically every post on that thread was like when some creepy guy comes up to a girl and starts with "I'm not trying to pick you up or anything like that up..."
Unbelievable. A photograph of a completely average, middle-of-the-road girl who happens to "star" in a board game shows up on BGG and they lose their goddamned minds. It reminds me of the first time my wife went with me to a convention- her most damning comment- "Everyone here is so fucking desperate".
I'd hardly say she's "middle of the road", quite pretty actually, but both sides are pathetic--the "hubba hubba" crowd and the "OMG THE SANCTITY OF WOMENS" crowd as well.
Typical...lots of men chirping in on the defense of women and letting us know what women think. Experts, the lot of them.
Back to the topic at hand...this was so hard to read I assumed it was a viral.
Nothing like the ol' "stealth promotion".
Say, has anyone seen Russ after that thread?
--Mike L.
I *LOVE* that cartoon of the EMP gun.
Two common negative reactions to girls on the net. 'Get the heck out of my Clubhouse, you don't belong here' and 'Oh, boobies!'
I need me an EMP gun.
Pffft. Get out of our clubhouse, boobie-person.
Thaad: If you liked that cartoon, go stare at for awhile. Best cartoonist on the net.
I actually just subscribed to his LJ feed. I expect I will spend *alot* of time this evening picking through the last X number of years worth of cartoons, until my eyeballs hurt. My sorta humor.
Why do I have the sudden urge to go see Superbad?
--Mike L.
I prefer to say "Get out of our clubhouse - unless you show us your boobies."
I like to hedge my sexist remarks both ways.
Ever have those moments, where you're really tempted to say something, but know it's a very bad idea?
One reason why I love the internet. Backspace. If only I could do that in real life.
Ah yes. But for the backspace and delete keys, I'd probably be banned from a lot of places.
--Mike L.
Quiet, guys, or Thaadd won't design any more killer games for us.
Two common negative reactions to girls on the net. 'Get the heck out of my Clubhouse, you don't belong here' and 'Oh, boobies!'
Oh Boobies!! Er. umm...back to the business at hand. Come to Atlanta and Play games :D
Come for the "boobies", stay for the Vegetable Soup at 6pm. :-|
Ever have those moments, where you're really tempted to say something, but know it's a very bad idea?
Ever have those moments where you're vaguely tempted to read a thread on BGG, but then you remember that much of the discussion there is wretched and stupid?
5nOLIl Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!
tkr3N0 Wonderful blog.
UvBPBJ actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Wonderful blog.
Please write anything else!
Wonderful blog.
Please write anything else!
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
aMvxpi actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
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